stability test
  • ASTM D2440 Mineral Insulating Oil Oxidation Stability Test

    ASTM D2440 Mineral Insulating Oil Oxidation Stability Test

    The oxidation stability test of mineral transformer oils is a method for assessing the amount of sludge and acid products formed in a transformer oil when the oil is tested under prescribed conditions. Good oxidation stability is necessary in order to maximize the service life of the oil by minimizing the formation of sludge and acid.

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  • ASTM D2619 Apparatus for Hydrolytic Stability of Hydraulic Fluids

    ASTM D2619 Apparatus for Hydrolytic Stability of Hydraulic Fluids

    KN-2619 Apparatus for Hydrolytic Stability of Hydraulic Fluids conforms to ASTM D2619 Standard Test Method for Hydrolytic Stability of Hydraulic Fluids (Beverage Bottle Method). This test method differentiates the relative stability of hydraulic fluids in the presence of water under the conditions of the test. Hydrolytically unstable hydraulic fluids form acidic and insoluble contaminants which can cause hydraulic system malfunctions due to corrosion, valve sticking, or change in viscosity of the fluid. The degree of correlation between this test method and service performance has not been fully determined.

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