ASTM D4294 XRF Sulfur Content Tester
This tester provides rapid and precise measurement of total sulfur in petroleum and petroleum products with a minimum of sample preparation. A typical analysis time is 1 to 5 min per sample. The quality of many petroleum products is related to the amount of sulfur present. Knowledge of sulfur concentration is necessary for processing purposes. There are also regulations promulgated in federal, state, and local agencies that restrict the amount of sulfur present in some fuels. This tester provides a means of determining whether the sulfur content of petroleum or a petroleum product meets specification or regulatory limits
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ISO 20336 Apparatus for Total Sulfur of Solid Mineral Fuels
KN-20336 Apparatus for Total Sulfur of Solid Mineral Fuels conforms to ISO 20336 Solid mineral fuels----Determination of total sulfur by Coulomb titration method. In the presence of the catalyst, a weighed sample is combusted at 1150℃ in a stream of purified air. The sulfur oxides are formed and dissolved in the electrolytic solution. The sulfur dioxides are titrated by the iodine and bromine liberated from the electrolysis of the potassium iodide and potassium bromide solution. The quantity of the electricity consumed by electrolysis is integrated and used to calculate the content of sulfur dioxides. The instrument is calibrated with certified reference materials. The percentage of total sulfur in the sample is calculated according to the sulfur dioxides content and the prior calibration.
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ASTM D4294 Marine Oil XRF Sulfur Content
This tester provides rapid and precise measurement of total sulfur in petroleum and petroleum products with a minimum of sample preparation. A typical analysis time is 1 to 5 min per sample. The quality of many petroleum products is related to the amount of sulfur present. Knowledge of sulfur concentration is necessary for processing purposes. There are also regulations promulgated in federal, state, and local agencies that restrict the amount of sulfur present in some fuels. This tester provides a means of determining whether the sulfur content of petroleum or a petroleum product meets specification or regulatory limits
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Elements Analyzer by WDXRF
KN-2622 Elements Analyzer by WDXRF conforms to ASTM D2622 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry and ASTM D7039 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Gasoline, Diesel Fuel, Jet Fuel, Kerosine, Biodiesel, Biodiesel Blends, and Gasoline-Ethanol Blends by Monochromatic Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry.
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Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
Portable Energy Dispersion X- ray Fluorescence Spectrometer This new Portable Energy Dispersion X- ray Fluorescence Spectrometer is designed for the onsite analysis of Sulfur in oils. This model fully meet onsite elements test in oils for the raw materials, production control and finished products inspections. The outstanding advantages of the XRF Light, small, one key test. The operator can perform the onsite analysis at anytime and anywhere.
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KN-SC Integrated Sulfur Analyzer
It is applicable in the industry such as electrical power, coal, commerce inspection, environment protection, metallurgy, paper making, petrochemical, earth probe, and the research institution or quality inspecting organization to measure the sulfur content in the materials of coal, cinder, coke, catalyst, minerals, rock, and petrochemicals.
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Apparatus for Sulfur Content in Petroleum Products
KN-7039 Apparatus for Sulfur Content in Petroleum Products by WDXRF conforms to ASTM D7039 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Gasoline, Diesel Fuel, Jet Fuel, Kerosine, Biodiesel, Biodiesel Blends, and Gasoline-Ethanol Blends by Monochromatic Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry. & ASTM D2622 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry. The sample is placed in the X-ray beam, and the peak intensity of the sulfur Kα line at 0.5373 nm is measured. The background intensity, measured at a recommended wavelength of 0.5190nm (0.5437nm for a Rh target tube) is subtracted from the peak intensity. The resultant net counting rate is then compared to a previously prepared calibration curve or equation to obtain the concentration of sulfur in mg/kg or mass %.
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ASTM D4294 Portable EDXRF Sulfur Content
KN-4294A Portable EDXRF Sulfur Analyzer is a complete solution to test and verify adherence to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Low Sulfur Fuel Oil Standard Requirement in response to the significant reduction of the maximum permissible levels of sulfur in marine fuels from 3.5 % to 0.5 %, as being enforced from the beginning of 2020. KN-4294A is a high performance, portable XRF analyzer that provides the energy industry with the perfect sulfur elemental analysis method for analyzing elemental content in oils such as lubricants, diesel fuels, jet fuels, kerosene, other distillates, volatile oils, residual oils, hydraulic oils, crude oils, unleaded petrol, alcoholic gasoline, biodiesel. Also, it can check the existence of elements content, wear elements, pollutants and sulfur content in other similar petroleum products. It can be used in any place, providing safe, high-quality sulfur content analyzing condition for liquid, solid or gas samples. In line with ASTM D4294 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum and Petroleum Products by Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, ISO8754 Petroleum Products – Determination of Sulfur Content – EDXRF up-to date version and other testing standards
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ASTM D1266 Sulfur In Petroleum Products Lamp Method
The sample is burned in a closed system, using a suitable lamp (Fig. 1) and an artificial atmosphere composed of 70 % carbon dioxide and 30 % oxygen to prevent formation of nitrogen oxides. The oxides of sulfur are absorbed and oxidized to sulfuric acid by means of hydrogen peroxide solution which is then flushed with air to remove dissolved carbon dioxide. Sulfur as sulfate in the absorbent is determined acidimetrically by titration with standard sodium hydroxide solution, or gravimetrically by precipitation as barium sulfate
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ASTM D5453 Ultraviolet Fluorescence Sulfur Content
Some process catalysts used in petroleum and chemical refining can be poisoned when trace amounts of sulfur bearing materials are contained in the feedstocks. This test method can be used to determine sulfur in process feeds sulfur in finished products, and can also be used for purposes of regulatory control.
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ASTM D6667 Ultraviolet Fluorescence Sulfur Content For LPG
The sulfur content of LPG, used for fuel purposes, contributes to SOx emissions and can lead to corrosion in engine and exhaust systems. Some process catalysts used in petroleum and chemical refining can be poisoned by sulfur bearing materials in the feed stocks. This test method can be used to determine sulfur in process feeds, to measure sulfur in finished products, and can also be used for compliance determinations when acceptable to a regulatory authority
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ASTM D1551 Sulfur In Petroleum Oils Quartz Tube Method
this is a Withdrawn standard,most end user replace this tester with ASTM D4294 XRF test
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