ASTM D4049 Resistance Of Lubricating Grease To Water Spray
This tester is used to evaluate the ability of a grease to adhere to a metal surface when subjected to direct water spray. The results obtained from the use of this test method suggest correlation in operations involving direct water spray impingement such as steel mill roll neck bearing service. This test method is used for quality control and purchase specifications.
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ASTM D1264 Water Washout Characteristics Of Lubricating Grease
This test method estimates the resistance of greases to water washout from ball bearings under conditions of the test. No correlation with field service has been established.
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ASTM D1092 Apparatus for Apparent Viscosity of Lubricating Grease
KN-1092 Apparatus for Apparent Viscosity of Lubricating Grease conforms to ASTM D1092 Standard Test Method for Measuring Apparent Viscosity of Lubricating Grease. This Test method covers measurement, in poises, of the apparent viscosity of lubricating greases in the temperature range from -54℃ to 38℃ (-65℉ to 100℉). Measurements are limited to the range from 25P to 100000P at 0.1s-1 and 1P to 100P at 15000s-1. Apparent viscosity versus shear rate information can be useful in predicting pressure drops in grease distribution systems under steady-state flow conditions at constant temperature.
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ASTM D2595 Lubricating Grease Wide Temperature Range Evaporation Loss Tester
KN-2595 Lubricating Grease Wide Temperature Range Evaporation Loss Tester conforms to ASTM D2595 Standard Test Method for Evaporation Loss of Lubricating Greases Over Wide-Temperature Range. A weighed sample of grease in an evaporation cell is placed in a heating device maintained at the desired test temperature. Heated air is passed over the grease surface for 22h±0.1h. The loss in weight of the sample due to evaporation is determined.
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ASTM D4048 Copper Corrosion From Lubricating Grease
A prepared copper strip is totally immersed in a sample of grease and heated in an oven or liquid bath at a specified temperature for a definite period of time. Commonly used conditions are 100 6 1°C (212 6 2°F) for 24 h 6 5 min. At the end of this heating period, the strip is removed, washed, and compared with the Copper Strip Corrosion Standard.
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IP 121 Apparatus for Oil Separation from Lubricating Grease
KN-121 Apparatus for Oil Separation from Lubricating Grease conforms to IP 121 Determination of Oil Separation from Lubricating Grease – Pressure Filtration Method. A cylindrical column of grease resting on a metal gauze cone is subjected to a fixed pressure in excess of the hydrostatic pressure of the grease. The quantity of oil separated through the gauze after standing for 42h or 168h at 40℃ is taken as a measure of the stability of the grease towards oil separation during storage.
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ASTM D217 Motorized Grease Worker
Cone penetration test results provide one measure of the consistency of a grease. Worked penetration results are required to determine to which NLGI consistency grade a grease belongs. Undisturbed penetration results provide a means of evaluating the effect of storage conditions on grease consistency
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ASTM D217 Motorized Grease Worker Single Station
Cone penetration test results provide one measure of the consistency of a grease. Worked penetration results are required to determine to which NLGI consistency grade a grease belongs. Undisturbed penetration results provide a means of evaluating the effect of storage conditions on grease consistency
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ASTM D1742 Oil Separation From Lubricating Grease
When a lubricating grease separates oil, the remaining composition increases in consistency. This can affect the ability of the product to function as designed
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ASTM D4693 Low-Temperature Torque Tester
KN-4693 Low-Temperature Torque Tester conforms to ASTM D4693 Standard Test Method for Low-Temperature Torque of Grease-Lubricated Wheel Bearings. This test method covers the determination of the extent to which a test grease retards the rotation of a specially-manufactured, spring-loaded, automotive-type wheel bearing assembly when subjected to low temperatures. Torque values, calculated from restraining-force determinations, are a measure of the viscos resistance of the grease. This test method was developed with greases giving torques of less than 35N·m at 40℃
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ASTM D1478 Low-Temperature Torque Tester
KN-1478 Low-Temperature Torque Tester conforms to ASTM D1478 Standard Test Method for Low-Temperature Torque of Ball Bearing Grease. This test method was developed using greases having very low torque characteristics at -54℃. Specifications for greases of this type commonly require testing at this temperature. Specifications for greases of other types can require testing at temperatures from -73℃ to -18℃. This test method has proved helpful in the selection of greases for low-powered mechanisms, such as instrument bearings used in aerospace applications. The suitability of this test method for other applications requiring different greases, speeds, and temperatures should be determined on an individual basis.
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ASTM D2265 Automatic High Temperature Dropping Point Apparatus
KN-2265Z Automatic High Temperature Dropping Point Apparatus conforms to the ASTM D2265 Standard Test Method for Dropping Point of Lubricating Grease Over Wide Temperature Range. This apparatus covers the determination of the dropping point of lubricating grease and it tests dropping points of lubricating greases at temperatures of up to 400°C.
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