ASTM D3175 Apparatus for Volatile Matter of Coal and Coke
KN-3175 Apparatus for Volatile Matter of Coal and Coke conforms to the ASTM D3175 Standard Test Method for Volatile Matter in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke. Volatile matter, when determined as herein described, can be used to establish the rank of coals, to indicate coke yield on carbonization process, to provide the basis for purchasing and selling, or to establish burning characteristics.
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KN-SC Integrated Sulfur Analyzer
It is applicable in the industry such as electrical power, coal, commerce inspection, environment protection, metallurgy, paper making, petrochemical, earth probe, and the research institution or quality inspecting organization to measure the sulfur content in the materials of coal, cinder, coke, catalyst, minerals, rock, and petrochemicals.
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