ASTM D3289 Density Of Semi Solid And Solid Asphalt Materials
Brand KN
Product origin Dalian,China
Delivery time deliver as soon as received payment
Supply capacity 30 sets one month
The sample is placed in a nickel crucible and weighed in air, and then in water at the test temperature. The density is
calculated from the mass of the sample and its apparent mass when weighed in water
KN-3289 Density Of Asphalt Materials
The apparatus consists of the following items, it covers the determination of the density of semi-solid and solid bituminous materials by weighing in air and in water
1 Crucible, nickel, high-form, 30-mL capacity, about 43 mm in height by 41 mm in diameter.
2 Bath, constant-temperature, capable of maintaining the test temperature within 60.1°C.
3 Thermometer, calibrated liquid in glass, total immersion-type, of suitable range with graduations at least every 0.1°C and a maximum scale error 0.1°C . Thermometers commonly used are 63C. Any other thermometer device of equal accuracy may be used.
4 Balance, capable of weighing to 0.001 g. It shall be fitted with a pan straddle and a wire basket
5 Basket and Pan Straddle, capable of holding the crucible in air or in water by suspending from the balance beam. The basket may be made out of soft 0.81-mm copper wire or equivalent. The straddle may be made out of about 0.81-mm aluminum sheeting formed to provide support of the beaker while permitting free movement of the pan