Automatic Penetration Tester
Automatic Penetration tester is used for not only evaluating the consistency of lubricating greases and wax ,but also evaluate the needle penetration for bitumen products.
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ASTM D566 Dropping Point Of Lubricating Grease
the dropping point is the temperature at which the grease passes from a semisolid to a liquid state under the conditions of test.
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ASTM D942 Oxidation Stability Of Lubricating Greases
This apparatus measures the change in pressure resulting from consumption of oxygen by oxidation and gain in pressure due to formation of volatile oxidation by products. It predicts neither the stability of greases under dynamic service conditions, nor the stability of greases stored in containers for long periods, nor the stability of films of greases on bearings and motor parts. It should
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ASTM D972 Evaporation Loss For Lubricating Grease
The loss of volatile materials from greases and oils can adversely effect the original performance characteristics of a lubricant and therefore could be a significant factor in evaluating a lubricant for a specific use. Such volatiles can also be considered contaminants in the environment in which the lubricant is to be used. Correlation between results from this test method and service performance has not been established.
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ASTM D1831 Roll Stability Of Lubricating Grease
The roll stability test is widely used in specifications. Test results are significant insofar as they can show a directional change in consistency that could occur in service. No accurate correlation is established between the test resultsand shear stability in actual service.
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ASTM D6138 Corrosion Preventive Properties Of Lubricating Greases
New, cleaned, and lubricated bearings are tested partially immersed in water (distilled, synthetic sea water, or sodium chloride solution) under no applied load at a speed of 83 6 5 rpm in a predetermined sequence of running and stopping for a period of approximately one week. After cleaning, the bearing rings are examined and rated according to the degree of corrosion
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ASTM D1743 Corrosion Preventive Properties Of Lubricating Greases
New, cleaned, and lubricated bearings are run under a light thrust load for 60 6 3 s to distribute the lubricant in a pattern that might be found in service. The bearings are exposed to water, then stored for 48 6 0.5 h at 52 6 1°C (125 6 2°F) and 100 % relative humidity. After cleaning, the bearing cups are examined for evidence of corrosion
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ASTM D1263 Leakage Tendencies Of Automotive Wheel Bearing Greases
The test method provides a screening device that permits differentiation among products having distinctly different leakage characteristics. It is not the equivalent oflongtime service tests, nor is it intended to distinguish between wheel bearing greases showing similar or borderline leakage
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ASTM D4290 Leakage Tendencies Of Automotive Wheel Bearing Grease
This apparatus differentiates among wheel bearing greases having distinctly different high-temperature leakage characteristics. It is not the equivalent of longtime service tests
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ASTM D2265 High Temperature Dropping Point Apparatus
The dropping point is useful to assist in identifying the grease as to type and for establishing and maintaining bench marks for quality control. The results are to be considered to have only limited significance with respect to service performance because dropping point is a static test.
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ASTM D6184 Oil Separation from Lubricating Grease (Conical Sieve Method)
When a lubricating grease separates oil, the residual material changes in consistency, which can affect the ability of the product to function as designed. Test results obtained with this procedure are intended to correlate with oil separation that occurs in 35-lb pails of grease during storage. They are not intended to predict oil separation tendencies of grease under dynamic service conditions
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ASTM D1404 Deleterious Particles In Lubricating Grease
The significance of the number of scratches as far as correlation with field performance is concerned has not been established. A particle which is abrasive to plastic will not necessarily be abrasive to steel or other bearing materials. Some correlation was obtained in that the contaminant used in Sample 3 had a greater wear rate in a laboratory ball bearing abrasive wear test than the contaminant in Sample 2.
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