coal and coke
  • ASTM D3175 Apparatus for Volatile Matter of Coal and Coke

    ASTM D3175 Apparatus for Volatile Matter of Coal and Coke

    KN-3175 Apparatus for Volatile Matter of Coal and Coke conforms to the ASTM D3175 Standard Test Method for Volatile Matter in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke. Volatile matter, when determined as herein described, can be used to establish the rank of coals, to indicate coke yield on carbonization process, to provide the basis for purchasing and selling, or to establish burning characteristics.

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  • ASTM D5865 Bomb Calorimeter For Coal And Coke

    ASTM D5865 Bomb Calorimeter For Coal And Coke

    The gross calorific value can be used to compute the total calorific content of the quantity of coal or coke represented by the sample for payment purposes. The gross calorific value can be used for computing the calorific value versus sulfur content to determine whether the coal meets regulatory requirements for industrial fuels. The gross calorific value can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of beneficiation processes

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